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3 Important Truths You Need to Know About Easter

Sun rays shining through dark cloudsWe have arrived in the fourth month of the year. April. The month in which, this year, falls Easter Sunday. As you may guess, that is our theme for the month. I know other members of the family, lined up to write this month, will write regarding this, but I wanted to bring a few points to your attention as we prepare to celebrate Resurrection Sunday.


#1 – Easter Has No Meaning Without Christmas

When we think about the reason we celebrate Easter, we’ll quickly be brought back to the reason we celebrate Christmas. As Christians, we celebrate Christ’s resurrection from the dead. In order to have died, He needed to have lived. Thus, that brings us to His birth. The days and timing at which we celebrate both these events can be debatable; but one thing is true: Jesus Christ lived, He died, and three days later He arose!


#2 – Easter is Not About Bunnies and Chocolate

The world has developed it’s own traditions when it comes to celebrating a true historic event. Just as the name “Easter” was derived from a pagan goddess, so have the bunnies and easter eggs come from fictional stories that people have made up. Sure, these treats may be fun (and yummy), but should we really be focused on such things when celebrating the resurrection of the King of kings and Lord of lords? How could we ignore the truth of the most significant event to happen in history and replace that with such vain things as chocolate eggs?


#3 – If Christ had not risen, Our Faith Would be Worthless

“And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins.” – 1 Corinthians 15:17

Like this verse says, if Christ had not risen from the dead, we would have no hope. Why? Well, for that we need to know WHY Christ died in the first place. When we look back into the Old Testament, we see that for every sin there had to be a sacrifice. That is why Jesus Christ died on the cross. He died as our sacrifice. Before Jesus died for our sins, the Children of Israel would have to sacrifice for every sin they committed. The Bible says that even this would never take away sin. Christ’s death covered every sin we have ever done or will ever do; past, present, and future.

“By this will of God, we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all. Every priest stands day after day ministering and offering the same sacrifices time after time, which can never take away sins. But this man, after offering one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God. He is now waiting until His enemies are made His footstool. For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are sanctified.” – Hebrews 10:10-14

Isaiah 9:6 Cork Coasters
Isaiah 9:6 Coaster Set

I love what I heard a guest speaker preach at our church a few Sunday’s ago. He was preaching on 1 Corinthians 15 which says: “For I passed on to you as most important what I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, then to the Twelve.” (vs. 3-5). This is what he noted: Christ’s burial was proof that He died. Christ’s appearance to many was proof that He arose!

That is what we believe and that is what we celebrate on Resurrection Sunday!

Christ has risen, He has risen indeed!


Let me leave you with these words of a beloved hymn:

Christ Arose

Words and Music by Robert Lowry

Low in the grave He lay,
Jesus, my Savior,
Waiting the coming day,
Jesus, my Lord!

Up from the grave He arose,
With a mighty triumph o’er His foes,
He arose a Victor from the dark domain,
And He lives forever, with His saints to reign.
He arose! He arose!
Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Vainly they watch His bed,
Jesus, my Savior;
Vainly they seal the dead,
Jesus, my Lord!

Death cannot keep his Prey,
Jesus, my Savior;
He tore the bars away,
Jesus, my Lord!



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