FGG Designs

3 Practical Ways to Encourage Others This Season

3 Practical Ways to Encourage Others This Season
Photo by LFG Photography

We think that it should be no secret by now, but we here at FGG Designs are constantly encouraging each other that our purpose on earth is to be doing all things to God’s glory.

Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight,” says the Lord. – Jeremiah 9: 23-2

Each day and each moment, God desires that we commit ourselves to that goal. We are regularly seeking ways to express this. One of those ways is to try to take advantage of the seasons and celebrations that are spread throughout the year. Here we are again at the Christmas season. To give an idea of what could be done, we’ll share a few ideas.


Christmas Ornament and Card

Christmas Ornaments

For the past four years, we have made tree ornaments to give out to the workers at our local supermarket.  We always include a card we’ve made that explains the Gospel, (we avoid the legend of Santa). Because they employ a large rotating staff of part-timers (70-80), we work hard all year to learn their names, and each card and ornament is addressed by name to each employee. Throughout the year we express our appreciation for their hard work in keeping shelves stocked and tidy. This also provides many opportunities to bridge into their lives. Often, we’ve been asked to pray for a particular situation they are facing.


wooden lit cross in christmas tree
A cross centered Christmas tree.

Christmas Tree

Another way we seek to celebrate Christmas to God’s glory is in relationship to the tree. Some years ago, it dawned on us that we could use the tree as a means to express more of God’s perspective than what we had been. The reason God the Son was born was to accomplish a special mission. He came to die so that mankind might live. This motivated us to figure out how we could use the Christmas tree to express that. With a little bit of thought, we figured out how we could make a cross (simple wooden slats), outlined with a rope light, almost as big as the tree, that could be inserted in among the branches and anchored to the trunk; this helps to communicate the message of God’s plan of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. One year we used a photo of that tree as part of our greeting card.

As was mentioned in Shaun and Elisabeth’s blog, we need to pay attention to those around us who may have difficulty with the season for whatever reason. It is known that problems with depression and even suicide are highest during holidays. Sometimes lack of mobility and loneliness are an issue.


Christmas table setting
Plates, glasses, and tablecloth are thrift store/ estate sale finds (a few at a time). Napkin rings are felt made in the 1970s.

Christmas Hospitality

This year we have invited two elderly aunts for lunch with two of their friends that they have desired to see and visit. As we ourselves age, we realize anew how precious family and friends are. By providing an opportunity to give the older generation something to look forward to that fits their needs and abilities, we are putting “shoe leather” to the Lord’s command to “love one another.” Showing hospitality is directed to reaching out to others to turn their attention to the Lord. The meal planned is simple but festive. One does not need expensive dishes, linens or silverware to “entertain.” With a little thought, a wonderfully delightful table-setting can be put together with thrift store finds. Colorful paper napkins can be the inspiration for a color scheme. It is important to realize that having anyone over for a meal is not dependent on the “things” we have, but on sharing the Lord’s love with whatever He’s given us – be it paper plates and plastic silverware.  May we continually seek ways to show Who He is and what His Word teaches us about living for His glory to those the Lord brings into our everyday lives. There’s still time to reach out to someone this season! Just do it!!

Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. – 2 Corinthians 2:14-15

These things we share to encourage others to give thought as to how one can use decorating, a homemade ornament, or hospitality to communicate what is so important – Who God is!

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