FGG Designs

A Family Christmas

Merry Christmas from the Hewlett’s!


Christmas. What does Christmas mean to me?

The Reason for the Season

Christmas means the celebration of Christ’s birth. Although it probably wasn’t at this specific time, December 25th has become the traditional day when we celebrate it. A perfect opportunity to share the Gospel with family and friends as we gather together in festivity. Let me leave this here for you to read:

Christ’s Birth. The ultimate reason we celebrate Christmas.

His Death on the cross for our sins. The reason He came to earth as a man.

Resurrection. After three days, He rose from the grave.

In God, we trust. We believe in a living, all-powerful God!

Saved by Grace. Only by God’s grace are we saved, nothing of ourselves.

The Lord’s Return. Christ will come back again.

Meeting God face to face. Are you prepared?

A story of God’s unconditional love for us.

Shining our light in this dark season!


A Family Christmas

Next to God being the center of our celebrations, Christmas means family. I cannot think of a single year where I haven’t been surrounded by family. That is what makes this time so special for me. I love the atmosphere the season brings, but I wouldn’t want to spend it without my family. The Lord has so graciously blessed us with an amazing family I wouldn’t trade for the world!


Thinking Back

I can remember some of the years in Holland. Every year my grandparents hosted a Christmas Open House; a time where friends and family would come and enjoy food, fellowship, and fun! (As alluded to in my brother’s blog, the food selection was incredible!) Many of our food traditions come from those Open Houses.

Christmas in Southern California, as you may imagine, was drastically different from those we had in Holland. The weather never felt Christmassy, but yet over the years you get used to it. Our family gets together on Christmas Eve, where we have dinner, sing carols, open presents, and eat Christmas cookies.


This Christmas

“Magic Cookie Bars”, a family favorite cookie at Christmas time!

Having spent the last three Christmases in England (the last two married), Shaun and I have started our own traditions. Christmas Eve doesn’t really get celebrated here, so we decided to make it our celebration day. Last year we started two new traditions: writing a song and watching a Christmas movie. Whatever we decided to watch that day was going to be our Christmas Eve Christmas movie…well, the result was: Arthur Christmas. (I’m making the Christmas goodies to go with it.)

Although Christmas in England is once again different than the Christmases I’ve grown up on; we’re surrounded by family and friends we love. That is what makes it Christmas for me. It’s not about the presents or food; it’s about the time as a family.



One Reply to “A Family Christmas”

  1. What a blessing to see life through the eyes of our offspring. Although we might be toward the head of the line of those parents (and grandparents) who have come short in the raising of our children, we recognize that our Lord has accomplished things that were impossible for us. We praise His Holy Name!!!

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