FGG Designs

An English Thanksgiving

Despite the nation who were the first to celebrate Thanksgiving, we English folk, unfortunately, do not observe this as a national holiday. We are, however, capable of being thankful. I have only participated so far in two Thanksgivings so, as you can probably tell, I don’t have many experiences or memories in this field. The ones I do have are worth mentioning… like my very first memory of my very first Thanksgiving.


My Very First Thanksgiving

photo-from-elisabeth-hewlett2013, just a mere four months after meeting my wife, I flew to America on my very own British pilgrimage. Within 2 minutes of arriving at her home, Jonathan asked me to help him in the backyard; let’s just say he wanted my assistance with preparing Thanksgiving dinner. Straight through the front door and straight out the back to kill a chicken. What an experience! Mix that with jet lag, and you have an amazing experience.

The week that I was out was an excellent time, I had my first Thanksgiving meal and even caught my first fish. Most importantly I met Elisabeth’s family and was instantly welcomed into the family. Needless to say, it was a Thanksgiving I’ll never forget.


My Thankfulness

What am I thankful for this year you ask? Firstly, I am thankful for my wife and her constant encouragement and challenging me to push on with certain things. Second, for this opportunity we have to start this business, especially knowing that the Lord is in control, it’s an exciting time! What I’m thankful for the most though is Christ. The joy of knowing my Saviour, knowing that He is faithful even when I am faithless. He is fully in control of every area of my life, even when it seems like it’s all going wrong. God is still on His Throne. This truth, along with the work of the Holy Spirit, allows me to rest in Him and not fret when things are going “wrong”. Nothing goes wrong for God and for that I am very thankful!


Your Thankfulness

"Autumn Design", Cooking Spoon
“Autumn Design” Cooking Spoon (Available on Etsy)

For what should you be thankful? If you too have been saved by faith in Christ, you should be thankful for His grace towards you. Even while you were a sinner Christ died for you and He lovingly guides you through every circumstance, making you more like Him each day. If you haven’t yet been saved, if Christ is still anything but your Lord and Saviour, you still have so much to be thankful for. For starters, you too have loved ones and special memories, but most importantly you are still alive! God is still patient and each day you have on earth is another day of mercy. It’s a day that God allows you to repent and believe in Him for salvation. Don’t take this for granted, no one is guaranteed tomorrow! Today is the day of salvation, call on Him while He may be found!


“Or do you presume on the riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?” Romans 2:4

“The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9



One Reply to “An English Thanksgiving”

  1. Love the chicken story upon arriving at Lues home. I really laughed out loud remembering my mother doing the same when I was very young ??

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