FGG Designs

And So Begins The Family Business

Welcome to our Family Business!


I never thought we would get this far. Our family loves brainstorming ideas and we’ve come up with many business ideas, started the business, but it never carried through. I think we have finally found a business that allows each of us to work on what we love. A business that provides handcrafted items to any who would have them.


What We Do:

Jonathan (The Father) – Aside from IT Consulting, he will be focusing on knife making.

Lydia (The Mother) – She does it all. From 3D Greeting Cards to Crocheted Baby Blankets that roll into a bear, we can call her the “Queen Bee”.

Michael (The Son) – He has talent in woodworking and building his talent in metals. Furniture, rings, around the house projects, he’s our Go To guy.

Shaun (The Son-in-Love) – Need a cooking spoon or spatula? Shaun loves making spoons and useful tools of any kind. He whittles wood.

Elisabeth (The Daughter) – As we have come to say: “Shaun makes it, Elisabeth burns it.” Next to keeping up the online part of the business, she burns wood (artistically), loves typography, photography, and design.


Woodburned Necklace Pendant by Elisabeth

What we love about our business is that each of us get to do the things we enjoy. Currently, in our free time, we all make items as hobbies that have slowly been developing into products worth selling. In the next few blogs, you’ll hear from each of the family members as they tell a little about themselves and their area of expertise.

We are A Family. A Business. – Our mission? To bring all glory and praise to God. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Him. He has given us these talents, none of this comes from ourselves.

We would love to hear from you! Come find us on Facebook or Instagram, or leave us a message.


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