FGG Designs

Hello there! It has been a while!  Yes, I have been pretty busy guarding our new home.  It’s a full-time job you know. When people go on to our property I make sure they know that I am the one who is in charge here. The big black dog!  I just pretend that I am going after […]


A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
Getting Started in Crochet, Part 3 - Episode 016

The last two weeks we have been looking at the history of crochet; the overall history and Lydia’s personal history. Now it’s time to switch gears and look at some more practical information (not that the history wasn’t practical). This episode is going to be focused on our thoughts revolving around all things crochet and we will be discussing things such as the usefulness of crochet, the benefits of it, and how it differs from other crafts like sewing or knitting.


A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
Getting Started in Crochet, Part 2 - Episode 015

Last week was the first episode in our new “getting started in crochet” series, where we looked at the general history of crochet. This week we are taking things a step further by looking at Lydia’s personal history with crochet, where it all began for her.


A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
Getting Started in Crochet, Part 1- Episode 014

This week, we’re diving straight into this new series, “Getting Started in Crochet.” For the next few weeks, Lydia will be talking us through everything you need to know (and more) about crochet, from where it originated, to steps into starting crochet for yourself. So, lets get started with this slightly shorter introductory episode.


A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
Valentine's Day Special, Part 2 - Episode 007

Last week we heard from Kent and Willina, all about how the Lord brought them together, this week it’s Jonathan and Lydia’s turn to tell us how they met and what the Lord has done in their lives.

Episode 003

A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
An Introduction to FGG Designs, Part 3 - Episode 003

This is the last podcast in our introductory installment. We’ve already introduced a bit about ourselves and our business; now it’s time to introduce our podcast series to you after all…this is a podcast.

Episode 002

A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
An Introduction to FGG Designs, Part 2 - Episode 002

Now that we have introduced ourselves, it’s time to start introducing our business to you. This podcast is all about what drives us as a business to keep going and strive for excellence in what we make and sell.

Episode 001

A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
An Introduction to FGG Designs, Part 1 - Episode 001

Over the past couple of years we have been expressing ourselves to you via blogs, however, after much research, we have found that we can be more open and communicate more freely with podcasts. So that is what we have decided to do. This is our first podcast, and in it, we will be introducing you all to our family.

6 Ways to Be Encouraged This Christmas Season

Another Year Come and Gone Christmas already? Do you, like me, have the sense that our years are flying by more quickly than ever? I think it has to do with many factors, one of which is the hurried, if not hectic time and place we live in. Sometimes, it is good to slow down and reflect […]

Giving Thanks for the Support of My Family

The Whole House to Myself Did you all have a good Thanksgiving? How was the turkey? Well, I can’t tell you how my family’s turkey was because they did not even share one little piece with me! But…I am still thankful because I had the WHOLE house to myself and slept ALLLLL afternoon! The family celebrated Thanksgiving […]

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