FGG Designs
Milestones That Changed Our Life...for the Better

Googling the word milestone will get you a quick definition of the word. Physically it is defined as a marker found along the roadside which gives the distance either from or to a given point. However, it is also often used in a more figurative sense, as conveying an important event in one’s life, in history, even […]

Road Trips Are the Best

Don’t you love going on road trips? Well I do! I think road trips are the best! It doesn’t make any difference to me whether the trips are long or short, I like them all.   A Long Road Trip At least once a year we go on a very long road trip. The family packs half […]

Your Questions Answered - Products & Processes Edition, Part 2

We have come to the end of our question and answer series! We hope that you have learned a lot and it has been beneficial for you.   We will be taking a short break at this point as there are some big changes happening within the family and business. If you want to follow along with […]

Your Questions Answered - Products & Processes Edition, Part 1

Our final selection of questions are about our products and processes. We will be taking a short break from blogs as there are some exciting changes taking place in the business. Follow along with us on Facebook and Instagram as we show you sneak-peeks into the upcoming changes. In part 1 we’ll be covering the following questions: […]

Your Questions Answered - Marketing Edition, Part 2

Today we’ll be covering part 2 of our Marketing questions. In case you missed it, here is part 1. Is it better to purchase direct or through Etsy? Does the pyrographer of the house have their own Instagram? How can I trust your products? Are there any reviews available? How can you personalize the product I purchase? […]

Your Questions Answered - Marketing Edition, Part 1

Our next section of questions is related to marketing. We will once again split this into two parts. This week’s questions: What is different about your business in light of the fact that there is always a massive amount of competition? Customer Satisfaction Policy How do I return my item? How will you go about achieving the […]

Your Questions Answered - Business Edition, Part 2

Today we’re continuing our questions related to business. Here’s what’s included: How do you price your products? Is this business national or international? The name of your business is “For God’s Glory Designs”, is your target group only Christians? Who is this business catered for? How do you see your business going in the future? What development […]

Your Questions Answered - Business Edition, Part 1

Over the last few months we’ve been gathering questions from you which we will attempt to answer in our Q&A blog series this month. We thank you all for your interest in the business and we hope that we will provide answers that will be of use to you. If you still have more questions feel free […]

The Day Started Great… It is early Saturday morning. The sun is already up, but everything is very quiet. The neighbors are still asleep, no cars have left the street, and barely any of my dog friends have been on their morning walk. I love this time of the week because DAD is HOME! Spending time with […]

How to Upcycle Old Envelopes to Snail Mail

Don’t you think it’s exciting to receive a card by “snail mail”? You know, with the “actual” mailman who comes by the house and drops it in the “actual” mailbox? Remember? That metal box that now only gets filled with some bills and ads? Don’t get me wrong; I do like the convenience of an e-card, (sometimes)…but […]

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