FGG Designs
Your Questions Answered - Marketing Edition, Part 1

Our next section of questions is related to marketing. We will once again split this into two parts. This week’s questions: What is different about your business in light of the fact that there is always a massive amount of competition? Customer Satisfaction Policy How do I return my item? How will you go about achieving the […]

Your Questions Answered - Business Edition, Part 2

Today we’re continuing our questions related to business. Here’s what’s included: How do you price your products? Is this business national or international? The name of your business is “For God’s Glory Designs”, is your target group only Christians? Who is this business catered for? How do you see your business going in the future? What development […]

Your Questions Answered - Business Edition, Part 1

Over the last few months we’ve been gathering questions from you which we will attempt to answer in our Q&A blog series this month. We thank you all for your interest in the business and we hope that we will provide answers that will be of use to you. If you still have more questions feel free […]

How to Make Decorative Wooden Placemats

This month I decided to do something slightly different. Instead of my ring making, I have decided to show you all what we use as a backdrop for most of our items. A decorative wooden placemat. This is a pretty simple task, and you only need a few basic tools.   What You’ll Need Wood (I used […]

God's Free Gift of True Love

What is love? The dictionary puts it as, “an intense feeling of deep affection.” Affection means, “a gentle feeling of fondness or liking”. As we look at how love is now shown throughout the world. Is that really love? Is love… husbands abusing their wives and children or all butterflies and wonderful feelings? Let’s look at real […]

2017 already! Wow, time flies. I hope everyone has had a blessed Christmas and new years. I pray that everyone will have a fantastic new year. This past year was filled with challenges and obstacles to work through. I came out of them having learned how to be more patient and be more precise in my craftsmanship. […]

Christmas is always a very special time with the family. I can’t remember all the years past, but I remember as a kid we always had a huge party at my Grandparents house, an open house. We would invite all our friends and family members. The house always smelled amazing, filled with snacks galore: cookies, dips, crackers, […]

In Holland, they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but being part of an American family, we would still celebrate it. As far as I can remember, we would have family and close friends join us in the celebration. The time together was always very enjoyable; the weather nice and cold, which, I must say, I miss. Currently, in Southern […]

My interest in woodworking started when I was a teenager. I had seen how my grandpa and my uncle either restored or fixed furniture and sometimes made their own pieces. It made me want to start learning to do woodworking myself. When I was 16, I took a wood carving class which got me even more interested. […]

Where to begin? Let us start at the beginning. I was born and raised in Holland and as a little boy I was always interested in fixing and building things. I remember helping my parents strip wallpaper, seven layers thick, off of walls. Painting is something I always enjoyed as well as building model planes, cars, and […]

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