FGG Designs
Your Questions Answered - Marketing Edition, Part 1

Our next section of questions is related to marketing. We will once again split this into two parts. This week’s questions: What is different about your business in light of the fact that there is always a massive amount of competition? Customer Satisfaction Policy How do I return my item? How will you go about achieving the […]

Your Questions Answered - Business Edition, Part 2

Today we’re continuing our questions related to business. Here’s what’s included: How do you price your products? Is this business national or international? The name of your business is “For God’s Glory Designs”, is your target group only Christians? Who is this business catered for? How do you see your business going in the future? What development […]

Your Questions Answered - Business Edition, Part 1

Over the last few months we’ve been gathering questions from you which we will attempt to answer in our Q&A blog series this month. We thank you all for your interest in the business and we hope that we will provide answers that will be of use to you. If you still have more questions feel free […]

How to Make Beautiful Wooden Spreaders

Happy Spring everyone! I know I’m a little late but hey, I haven’t written a blog since early March, so I have an excuse. Continuing with the instructional blog posts, I have decided to show you all a step by step guide to making a spreader. Why a spreader you ask? Because I want to give you […]

Did You Know God is Still Creating?

Before God’s Creation in Me I am super happy to be writing this blog. I love talking about and reading up on God’s Creation…it is by far one of my favorite subjects, other than God’s Salvation. So I’m going to write about both, as Salvation, in and of itself, is also an act of Creation; which God […]

It’s the month of February, winter is on its last legs and spring is nearly here! We say goodbye to the cold and hello to the sun (at least in some parts of the world we do). February is also notoriously known for the celebration of Valentine’s day, the day where we tell those who are closest […]

New Beginnings As we enter 2017, we would like to thank everybody for their support in helping grow our business last year. It has been amazing to see how far the Lord has allowed us to come in less than a year. At this point last year, Shaun had only just gotten his first knife. The thought […]

When the weather has turned colder, and the homes have turned cozier, it can only mean one thing… Christmas is on its way! Christmas for me has always been my favourite time of year, from being a wee boy until now I have loved every aspect of it. Now over the last four years, it has developed […]

Despite the nation who were the first to celebrate Thanksgiving, we English folk, unfortunately, do not observe this as a national holiday. We are, however, capable of being thankful. I have only participated so far in two Thanksgivings so, as you can probably tell, I don’t have many experiences or memories in this field. The ones I […]

What inspires me? This was always the hardest question for me to answer when I was growing up, because, truth be told… nothing inspired me! There I would be, merrily going my own way without a care in the world or thought for the future. But thankfully I can say that is no longer the case. Now […]

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