FGG Designs

I have always been told that, when telling a story, the best place to start is at the beginning. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do, take you back to the very beginning… “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1). Okay a little too far back, fast forward several thousand years […]

Where to begin? Let us start at the beginning. I was born and raised in Holland and as a little boy I was always interested in fixing and building things. I remember helping my parents strip wallpaper, seven layers thick, off of walls. Painting is something I always enjoyed as well as building model planes, cars, and […]

Growing up in the Netherlands, my mom, being a Proverbs 31 woman, encouraged my sister and me to be productive. My Dad, a God fearing and hardworking man, taught my two brothers to do the same. After we came home from school we first did our homework, had dinner with the family, and did our chores. The […]

As we start out on a new family venture I will tell a little bit about myself…   The Early Years Through the years, I have had the opportunity and blessing to gain knowledge and work for people in many different fields. I have been interested in aviation from my earliest youth. I started by going to […]

Welcome to our Family Business! Website: ✔ Facebook: ✔ Instagram: ✔ I never thought we would get this far. Our family loves brainstorming ideas and we’ve come up with many business ideas, started the business, but it never carried through. I think we have finally found a business that allows each of us to work on what […]

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