FGG Designs
3 Practical Ways to Encourage Others This Season

We think that it should be no secret by now, but we here at FGG Designs are constantly encouraging each other that our purpose on earth is to be doing all things to God’s glory. Thus says the Lord: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, […]

How We Can Positively Encourage One Another

Short Story You have undoubtedly seen it happen – people in a store, looking at an item, then with a careless attitude, either dropping it or placing the item in another location in the store. Willina and I came upon a couple of ladies working hard to straighten up an aisle that had been disheveled. Without a […]

The Wonderful Milestones Granted By God

When one has had the privilege of putting in around eighty years of wear and tear on these bones, there are many milestones that have passed by. Most of my (Kent) milestones of my younger years were spread out between California, Colorado, and Washington State, living in (+/-) fourteen places and attending nine different grade schools. Whereas, […]

Good Friday or Bad Friday Which is it?

Tears flow freely while considering the circumstances surrounding this very significant day of the year. If the reader has not come to an understanding of the meaning of this day, you might find yourself caught up in the “holiday spirit” without full comprehension of the pain, sorrow and eternal significance of the days that we go through […]

Is the World Continually Getting Better or Worse?

GOD’S CREATION: Gradual? Progressive? or Instantaneous? THEOLOGY: God-centered or Man-centered?   In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1   God’s Creation We at FGG Designs like to be innovative. You might call it creative. We have been created in God’s image so that might be acceptable.  But God is really the […]

Love comes in different forms. The world around us assumes that it understands what love is. It is very common to hear most anybody express the term “I Love You” as they are parting for a short time. And undoubtedly most people are very sincere and assume that it is a good meaning in the way they […]

A Beginning Here we are, about three weeks into the New Year, but we are sharing about beginnings. Everything has to have a beginning. And beginnings usually have some kind of a plan and purpose behind them. FGG Designs began in the back crevices of the mind of one of our family members. As the original thoughts […]

We are now at the end of December. The Christmas season is winding down and the New Year is just around the corner. It can often be a rather melancholy time. Unfortunately, from Thanksgiving to New Years, the highest rate of suicides is recorded. Contrary to the popular rhetoric, the season to be jolly . . . […]

Every day of the year we receive from the Lord’s hand the blessing of sight, sound, touch, smell and taste. Every day of the year we receive His blessings in the form of light, the sun’s warmth, or clouds or rain or snow (well we don’t get that in the coastal regions of Southern California), and also […]

Well, here’s some grandparent insight: Getting married doesn’t make a good marriage. Getting married is just the first step of a lifelong commitment to seek the Lord’s help. Through His Word, the Bible, we can become the husband or wife that will bring glory and honor to God Himself. Just so you know, after fifty-four years, we […]

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