FGG Designs
Good Friday or Bad Friday Which is it?

Tears flow freely while considering the circumstances surrounding this very significant day of the year. If the reader has not come to an understanding of the meaning of this day, you might find yourself caught up in the “holiday spirit” without full comprehension of the pain, sorrow and eternal significance of the days that we go through […]

What is the Big Deal About Easter?

Laying the Foundation In our blog articles, we want to start focusing more on the things we are making. So, you might wonder why we focus on so many other things. Part of these blogs help the reader get a better understanding of the makers of the products; others help in understanding the products and production processes. […]

3 Important Truths You Need to Know About Easter

We have arrived in the fourth month of the year. April. The month in which, this year, falls Easter Sunday. As you may guess, that is our theme for the month. I know other members of the family, lined up to write this month, will write regarding this, but I wanted to bring a few points to […]

Is the World Continually Getting Better or Worse?

GOD’S CREATION: Gradual? Progressive? or Instantaneous? THEOLOGY: God-centered or Man-centered?   In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1   God’s Creation We at FGG Designs like to be innovative. You might call it creative. We have been created in God’s image so that might be acceptable.  But God is really the […]

Did You Know God is Still Creating?

Before God’s Creation in Me I am super happy to be writing this blog. I love talking about and reading up on God’s Creation…it is by far one of my favorite subjects, other than God’s Salvation. So I’m going to write about both, as Salvation, in and of itself, is also an act of Creation; which God […]

Can We See God's Complete Love in His Creation?

Let me ask you a question. When you hold the latest gadget, watch the newest movie, or eat popular food, what goes through your mind? Do you ever wonder where it came from? Do you ever question its existence? How about in a more natural sense…what do you think of when you see a glorious sunset, smell […]

The Most Important Truth You Should Know About...

In the Beginning God… That’s it! That’s the most important truth you need to know. God has always existed. From the beginning till the end He was, and is, and will be. He is eternal. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (Revelation 22:13)   In the […]


Is God’s Creation a Teacher? Job 12:7-9 “But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you; Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know That the […]

Love comes in different forms. The world around us assumes that it understands what love is. It is very common to hear most anybody express the term “I Love You” as they are parting for a short time. And undoubtedly most people are very sincere and assume that it is a good meaning in the way they […]

It’s the month of February, winter is on its last legs and spring is nearly here! We say goodbye to the cold and hello to the sun (at least in some parts of the world we do). February is also notoriously known for the celebration of Valentine’s day, the day where we tell those who are closest […]

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