FGG Designs
Purple flower on green background

Nearly everyone enjoys the signs of Spring – the warming weather, the blossoming trees, the daffodils, crocus, snowdrops, the butterflies, the singing of birds, etc. It is a lovely time of year and awakens our senses to the beauty around us. Many people attribute all of this to “nature”.  But it is not accidental that when God […]

Good Friday or Bad Friday Which is it?

Tears flow freely while considering the circumstances surrounding this very significant day of the year. If the reader has not come to an understanding of the meaning of this day, you might find yourself caught up in the “holiday spirit” without full comprehension of the pain, sorrow and eternal significance of the days that we go through […]

What is the Big Deal About Easter?

Laying the Foundation In our blog articles, we want to start focusing more on the things we are making. So, you might wonder why we focus on so many other things. Part of these blogs help the reader get a better understanding of the makers of the products; others help in understanding the products and production processes. […]

3 Important Truths You Need to Know About Easter

We have arrived in the fourth month of the year. April. The month in which, this year, falls Easter Sunday. As you may guess, that is our theme for the month. I know other members of the family, lined up to write this month, will write regarding this, but I wanted to bring a few points to […]

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