FGG Designs

As we’ve slowly been putting back some focus on our business, there have been some things I’ve learned that will change our approach.  Let me first clarify just how thankful we are to God for this business and all of you, our supporters, customers, friends, and family. We wouldn’t even be able to keep pursuing this if […]

Hello there! It has been a while!  Yes, I have been pretty busy guarding our new home.  It’s a full-time job you know. When people go on to our property I make sure they know that I am the one who is in charge here. The big black dog!  I just pretend that I am going after […]

It’s crazy how things can just change in an instance. I had been wrestling with, what we had all thought was, a bad neck for a couple of weeks. It started on Elisabeth’s birthday weekend. We had gone to Silverwood, an amusement park near us, and I felt awful all day. Very dizzy and just out of […]

On August 11th, 2020, an incident occurred that will forever change my life. I was working on a project for a friend when as I was cutting a small piece of wood diagonally on a sliding compound miter saw. The blade caught, sending it sliding toward me and over my left hand. Since I was putting downward […]

Happy days friends!! It is hard to believe how long it’s been since we’ve shared an update. As with the previous update, our lives continue to change…including quite some unexpected events and challenges.  Joys and Challenges of 2020 As everyone knows, 2020 was A YEAR!! We are extremely thankful to live in a state and county where […]

Hello dear friends, it has been too long! Looking back at what we left you with, we are shocked we haven’t published anything since April 2018! Yet, that is when life started changing for us here at FGG Designs.

The Day Started Great… It is early Saturday morning. The sun is already up, but everything is very quiet. The neighbors are still asleep, no cars have left the street, and barely any of my dog friends have been on their morning walk. I love this time of the week because DAD is HOME! Spending time with […]

Whoohohooo!!! (Hi everyone!!!) They, the family, have asked me to write something about myself. Really??? Me?? Writing??? No way! My paws already hurt just thinking about it. I will just do Morse code and have someone else do the writing for me! How’s that? Much better, right?!   My Family Well, let’s see, where do I start? […]

Welcome to our Family Business! Website: ✔ Facebook: ✔ Instagram: ✔ I never thought we would get this far. Our family loves brainstorming ideas and we’ve come up with many business ideas, started the business, but it never carried through. I think we have finally found a business that allows each of us to work on what […]

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