FGG Designs
The Wonderful Milestones Granted By God

When one has had the privilege of putting in around eighty years of wear and tear on these bones, there are many milestones that have passed by. Most of my (Kent) milestones of my younger years were spread out between California, Colorado, and Washington State, living in (+/-) fourteen places and attending nine different grade schools. Whereas, […]

Timely Milestones Moving Us to New Opportunities

1990 Let’s kick things off with my (Shaun) first milestone- my birth. October 17th 1990 I was born in “sunny” England, the place I would call home for the next 26 and a half years. Next milestone…   1993 As you may have guessed, 1993 was the year I (Elisabeth) was born. May 16th, I was born […]

Little Milestones That Lead to An Amazing Milestone

Where It All Began It all starts back in June of 1991 when I was born. For the first seven years of my life, I lived in Wekerom, The Netherlands. I don’t remember much from back then, but I do remember the house and what it looked like inside and out. Fun Fact: I could probably draw […]

Milestones That Changed Our Life...for the Better

Googling the word milestone will get you a quick definition of the word. Physically it is defined as a marker found along the roadside which gives the distance either from or to a given point. However, it is also often used in a more figurative sense, as conveying an important event in one’s life, in history, even […]

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