FGG Designs
How We Can Positively Encourage One Another

Short Story You have undoubtedly seen it happen – people in a store, looking at an item, then with a careless attitude, either dropping it or placing the item in another location in the store. Willina and I came upon a couple of ladies working hard to straighten up an aisle that had been disheveled. Without a […]

Learning and Developing with Positive Encouragement

What wonderful expressions of what true “positive encouragement” is really about have been expressed in the last two week’s blogs. This week in the midst of life’s challenges, I (Grandma Willina) would like to share from a completely different vantage point.  Once we have understood/learned “the basics” (as mentioned in the last two blogs), we can begin […]

I’m going to start out this blog post with a confession…I had this wrong for so long, instead of ‘positive encouragement’ I’ve been calling it ‘personal encouragement.’ So how about I personally give you some positive encouragement? Okay? Thanks for agreeing, I shall do that then! The Bad News Like what Dad wrote about last week, the […]

The Most Positive Encouragement You'll Ever Receive

This month is positive encouragement month. We wondered the other day, as a family, why it is positive encouragement month, isn’t encouragement always positive? But we realized that the word could be used in different ways. Encouragement can be used as in heartening or cheering up. The dictionary defines it as “the action of giving someone support, […]

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