FGG Designs

Christmas Memories

New ring made by Michael.

Christmas is always a very special time with the family. I can’t remember all the years past, but I remember as a kid we always had a huge party at my Grandparents house, an open house. We would invite all our friends and family members. The house always smelled amazing, filled with snacks galore: cookies, dips, crackers, etc. We must have had over 20 different cookies. They were amazing. Besides cookies, I’m sure there were other snacks I just don’t remember them as much. As a kid, I think the cookies stood out.

One of my all-time favorite drinks during the Christmas season would be wassail (a hot apple cider). I thoroughly enjoy the family recipe made from scratch; so amazing. Another favorite Christmas dish is our family carrot soup. We used to have this every Christmas, and until this day I’ll ask either my mom or grandma if that will be our main meal. It is the best soup ever! The time together was always wonderful. We celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve with the extended family. On Christmas day, we spend it at home with our immediate family.


The Reason for the Season

Over the years, Christmas has changed for me. I have come to realize that it isn’t about the food or the presents, but about Christ’s birth! Jesus Christ was sent to save sinners from eternal death. If we repent and trust in Him, He will give us everlasting life. He died on the cross so we wouldn’t have to.


One Christmas…

One Christmas stands out the most to me – our first Christmas in the U.S. Having arrived just months before, we didn’t have any Christmas decorations or finances to do any kind of decorating. A few families from our newly joined homeschooling group blessed us with a tree and decorations. That is one of the most recent Christmas memories that stands out. What a blessing having those special people come to encourage our family.

To me, Christmas is one of the most enjoyable times of the year. The cooler weather, the warm drinks, and the time spent with family and friends is always the best. Merry Christmas to Everyone!



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