FGG Designs

Did You Know that God is Still Creating?

Sunset between trees with a fence post in foregroundBefore God’s Creation in Me

I am super happy to be writing this blog. I love talking about and reading up on God’s Creation…it is by far one of my favorite subjects, other than God’s Salvation. So I’m going to write about both, as Salvation, in and of itself, is also an act of Creation; which God is still performing today.

It is interesting, however, that these are my favorite subjects, given my past.

Let’s bring you up to speed again quickly, as I’ve already spoken about that in another blog. It was only 5 years ago that I was a complete atheist. I would scoff at the idea of “creation” or an All Powerful God being the only source of our existence. I would tell you it was rubbish! I was convinced we evolved into what we are today and that it was an alien race that “meddled” with us which made us become the human race. That was just my way of suppressing the Truth of God. For just as the Bible says, the truth of God was evident to me and I only had to be honest with myself and I would know that something or someone created us. Which is mainly why I started to believe aliens were our “god”.


God’s Creation in Me

God in His rich mercy, not only opened my eyes to Him as The Creator of the Universe, but He opened my eyes in salvation making me a new creation.


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away, behold the new has come.” – 2 Corinthians 5:17


You see, God really is still creating but in the lives of people. In the beginning, He spoke light into the darkness of nothing when He created the universe we see before us, but even now He speaks light into the very dark souls of those who do not know Him and deny His very existence. He breathes new life into them, giving them a second birth. This is what He did for me.


After God’s Creation in Me

Because of this creation that God has done in my own soul, my work ethic and motivation for everything I do has taken on a new perspective. I no longer live for myself but for Christ, therefore everything I do in this life is all for Him.


“I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” – Galatians 2:20


A selection of seven wooden spoon handles
Spoon handles from some of Shaun’s latest work.

This means that when I carve any product, I not only strive for excellence as to please the Lord, it also means I can find joy in my work knowing that it is all for God. What man thinks of us is not important, the Lord judges the inward motive of the heart. When we do things (as Christians) if we do them to bring glory to God, He finds that pleasing; and in that I find rest and joy.

Also, knowing that God is Sovereign and promises to provide for all our needs if we seek Him and His Kingdom before all other things, is a huge source of comfort and joy for me. So, I can find joy in knowing that my work is unto the Lord; I can find joy knowing that, when done with a right motive, my work is pleasing to Him; and I can find joy knowing that He will provide my needs if I work unto Him. All of this is only possible because He created a new spirit within me. He renewed my heart and gave me new life. A life where I can love Him and live for Him.

Is that true of you?



One Reply to “Did You Know that God is Still Creating?”

  1. Praise GOD for HIS mercy! HE who begun a good work in us will complete it. HE is faithful!.Praising HIM with you.

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