FGG Designs

The End of the Season

Christmas Card 2016

We are now at the end of December. The Christmas season is winding down and the New Year is just around the corner. It can often be a rather melancholy time. Unfortunately, from Thanksgiving to New Years, the highest rate of suicides is recorded. Contrary to the popular rhetoric, the season to be jolly . . . , really isn’t for many, many people. It appears that there is much superficiality attached to this season. The glitz, parties, presents, and many other activities turn out to be not so satisfying for some. We pray that it is not the case for you, dear reader.


Let’s Stop and Reflect

We need to pause one more time and reflect on what we have just been celebrating. No, it is not presents, it is a Person. It is not getting, it is giving. It is not “me-centered,” it is indeed – God-centered. Christmas is about the Person of Jesus Christ. Without Him, we have No hope. Christmas is about God giving His Son to save us from our helplessness. Christmas is about bowing down and worshiping the God of the universe. He laid out the plan; He fulfilled the plan. When we understand properly, neither Christmas, or Easter, or Hanukah are not our doing. They are God’s doing 100%, and we have the privilege of receiving the benefit.


As we look forward to a new year, let us pray that each of us shall sharpen our focus away from ourselves and instead on God.



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