FGG Designs

Getting Started in Woodcarving, Part 1 – Episode 005

A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
Getting Started in Woodcarving, Part 1 - Episode 005

Episode 005Listen to the Podcast

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Below is a quick summary of what was discussed plus any resources we may have mentioned.



Show Notes

Now that we have fully introduced ourselves and our podcast to you, it’s time to get into the meat of our content! For the next few months all of us will be speaking on our individual crafts, typically we will be talking about the general history of the craft as well as how we started doing it and some information you’ll need to help you learn. First up is Shaun’s craft; woodcarving.



Woodcarving arguably dates back to the beginning of mankind. We’re not saying Adam was the first man to carve although there’s no reason to say he wasn’t. We are saying, as early as Genesis chapter 4, men were involved in forging and crafting, one of those things would include woodcarving. If you can carve iron, surely you could carve wood too. We see throughout the Scriptures that carving is a big thing. For example, Isaiah records how people would carve idols out of wood, we also read that in Solomon’s house and in the temple there were carvings in wood and also in the Tabernacle. Not only is carving in the Bible, but we see examples of carved spears and shields which date back to the early wars and battles.


Shaun’s guitar he redid.

Shaun’s History

So that’s just a little taste of the overall history of wood carving, but what about Shaun’s history? Why did Shaun decide to carve? Well, during his childhood he had a few projects that he did with the help of his dad such as building a skateboard ramp and repainting and finishing his old guitar. Even in school there was a spark of woodworking. Although he never chose to take the subject, his old woodworking teacher saw a talent for woodworking in Shaun and strongly encouraged him to take the class.

From Shaun’s first spoon (left) to his latest product (right), he has come a long way!

However, it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that his desire for woodcarving came alive. Spurred on by his wife to pursue a hobby, he chose carving and the rest is history.


Further Thoughts

Here at FGG Designs, we have a few thoughts of our own regarding woodcarving. We see this as a very useful craft. If you need just the right size spoon for the job, you can carve it. If you need a new set of bookends, instead of buying some, why not make your own? We also see woodcarving as a great platform for art. It’s no mystery that people used to carve designs into their tools or weapons or even chairs, the beauty that comes from those carvings is incredible.

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