FGG Designs

Giving Thanks for the Support of My Family

Giving Thanks for the Support of My Family
Photo by LFG Photography

The Whole House to Myself

Did you all have a good Thanksgiving? How was the turkey? Well, I can’t tell you how my family’s turkey was because they did not even share one little piece with me! But…I am still thankful because I had the WHOLE house to myself and slept ALLLLL afternoon! The family celebrated Thanksgiving at Norah’s house, my dog-friend’s place. I think they had a great time because they looked a little bitty tired when they got home.


Something New

Since I have your attention, I’ve got to tell you something. Lately, I have been enjoying something new. I am in the process of training my vocal cords! YES, really!!!  I have to say, it’s going quite well. I have been practicing a lot, and my family LOVES IT!!! They are so supportive; they even help me when they get a chance. Just not sure if I am ready to audition for the Christmas choir yet, but I think I am getting pretty close.


Lately, I have been enjoying something new. I am in the process of training my vocal cords!
Photo by LFG Photography

Taking a Deep Breath

So, this is what I do…As soon as the paramedics drive by for an emergency in our neighborhood they, without me even asking, give me the beginning note of the song I want to sing. (isn’t that sweet of them??) I first start humming softly until I get to the right pitch, taking a deep breath, I then go ALL out! I sit up straight, hold up my head, and stretch my neck to make sure I get to the high notes. You should try it; it really helps you sing better! And you know what?? My family joins right in. It sounds AMAZING!!! Soon we will be ready to sing 4-part harmony! I also practice at the end of every meal. Occasionally I start warming up my voice when the family is still sitting at the table enjoying their dinner. They would tell me to be quiet, be patient, and wait. The thing is, they do talk F-O-R-E-V-E-R! even after their dinner plate is licked clean. (uhhh…I mean, cleaned off with fork and knife) It’s SOO hard to be patient though, I so, SOOO LOVE to sing! Who wouldn’t want to listen to background music while eating their dinner, right? But… I’ll tell you, when I am patient, I get rewarded with a treat. So, I wait patiently. (most of the time.)

Well, that’s it for now. I am off to practice!  Have an enjoyable day and remember, sit up straight, hold up your head, and stretch your neck if you want to sing those high notes!

2 Replies to “Giving Thanks for the Support of My Family”

  1. I love Olives stories! I am happy to hear that she has taken an interest in singing. Keep practicing Olive, you may make the choir yet.

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