FGG Designs

The Son: The ‘Hands-On’ Guy

Where to begin? Let us start at the beginning.

Michael, The Son
Michael, The Son

I was born and raised in Holland and as a little boy I was always interested in fixing and building things. I remember helping my parents strip wallpaper, seven layers thick, off of walls. Painting is something I always enjoyed as well as building model planes, cars, and trains. As a child, I would build cities and vehicles out of Legos and K’Nex. One time we covered the floor with a giant circus made out of K’Nex.


The Move

When I was 12 we moved to the USA. A year before that we visited and during our stay, the family all said that they didn’t want to go back home. There were multiple reasons, but personally for me was the school experience. It was so different (and better) than in Holland. The move itself was one amazing testimony of God’s provision. What stood out to me was seeing how the Lord provided for everything as the family prepared to move; how focused my parents were on the Lord. Back then I didn’t fully grasp all of it, but now, as I have grown in life and my faith, I see how the Lord has provided for my family and me during the years.


The Jobs

Handcrafted Ring
Handcrafted Ring

Once we moved, I was blessed to be homeschooled right up until my senior year in high school. While still in school, I started working at Harmonson Tax and Financial Services as a janitor. Since then I have had multiple jobs. I have worked in both maintenance and construction (one of my favorites). I have also worked for a company called Bigger Dot where I helped run large machines that made carpet sample books. In 2010, I started work at Chick-Fil-A. Within my four years of work there, I climbed up to a managerial position and managed the kitchen in one of the restaurants for about two and a half years.

The last number of months, I have had the opportunity to work for and with an interior designer. I started out as a warehouse helper and have now moved up into the operations/warehouse manager. With this company we not only stage apartments and houses, we also make custom furniture. The Lord has granted this opportunity to put my woodworking skill to use and make some projects. (Perfect timing, wouldn’t you say?)


The Business

I have always had a desire to start my own business, but didn’t know how and where to start. The family started talking about a business that would allow each of us to use our different skills. Needless to say, I got very excited to hear of this and looked how I might help in the business. The main areas that I will be specializing in are metal and wood. I love variation and learning new things that will help the business last and grow. Ultimately, I want to honor the Lord with whatever He has in store for me.



2 Replies to “The Son: The ‘Hands-On’ Guy”

  1. Love reading your story, Michael. The Lord has blessed you and continues to do so. Praying He will bless this new venture with the family.

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