FGG Designs

Hoowwoooo!! (Greetings from Olive)

Olive, The Family Dog
Olive, The Family Dog

Whoohohooo!!! (Hi everyone!!!)

They, the family, have asked me to write something about myself. Really??? Me?? Writing??? No way! My paws already hurt just thinking about it. I will just do Morse code and have someone else do the writing for me! How’s that? Much better, right?!


My Family

Well, let’s see, where do I start? Ahh…I know! I will tell you how I became a family member. A little over two years ago I was taken away from my very first owners. They were very mean to me, and I became really scared and was sad most of the time. I ended up in a big place with a bunch of loud, noisy dogs. Of course, I was quiet and wanted to be all the way in the back of my little hiding place. I don’t know how long I was there, but it sure seemed like a very, very, long time.

One day, I think it was on a Friday, two people came and stopped right in front of my little hiding place. They talked to me for a little bit but then moved on to the noisy ones next to me. A little while they came back and took me out to play with me. That was so much fun!!! To make a long story longer, that day I was adopted and was going to go to a new home. They first thought of changing my name but then decide to keep the one I had. I like the name Olive because it is like the color of my coat.


My Favorite Things

My new family was so happy to take me home! And you know what? They didn’t even send me to school!! Whooohoo!!! Instead, they started homeschooling me. Would you believe they speak three languages??? English, Dutch, and…Dog! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G-! They taught me so many things. I now know how to sit and stay, and to not jump on the table when they are gone. Yeah, mommy, (I think that is her name? Well that’s what the family calls her) was not very happy with me when she found me sleeping on the table after they all came back from church. I was only trying to find a comfortable place to sleep; that’s all. I didn’t break anything?! I’ve only done this once because Mommy was very strict and would not allow me to do this ever again. Me, the obedient dog I am, submitted to Mommy’s (and Daddy’s) wishes.

'Yarn Ball'
‘Yarn Ball’

One time I taught myself a new game. It’s called ‘Yarn Ball’. You toss a ball of yarn in the air, make sure it unrolls while it is up and then let it come down and repeat as many times with as many different yarn balls as available. It is so cool! It’s like having a big party with yarn confetti all over the place. But the thing is, Mom doesn’t want me to play this game anymore. The yarn balls are not supposed to be used for tossing and making confetti, but for knitting and crocheting. So much for having fun. (sigh)


My Duties

Seemingly I am doing a good job of protecting the family. Some people think I’m mean, but I am just pretending. I make my bark sound kind of (really) aggressive, especially when Daddy is gone. The bad guys must stay away from my Mommy. (that’s what Daddy told me) So that’s what I do, pretending that I am a big, black, mean dog. I just love my job!

Besides protecting the family, I tell them when it’s time to eat, walk, and go to bed. You would think they know when it’s time to go to bed right? I tell you, just about every evening I need to let them know that it’s already one(!) minute after their bed time. Seriously! Don’t they understand that punctuality is of utmost importance?! Apparently not. Until they get that, I will continue to encourage them to go to bed on time…10:00 pm and NOT 10:01 pm!

Well, I got to go now. It’s time for some more sleep. Whoohwhoohwooh! (was nice talking to you!)



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