FGG Designs

How I Will Accomplish Goals in 2017

Stainless Steel Ring inlaid with blue sand.

2017 already! Wow, time flies. I hope everyone has had a blessed Christmas and new years. I pray that everyone will have a fantastic new year.

This past year was filled with challenges and obstacles to work through. I came out of them having learned how to be more patient and be more precise in my craftsmanship. I developed a few new ideas: I went from plain stainless rings to inlaid stainless ring designs. As with every new project, I was challenged in plenty of areas with my ring designs and how to perfect them more.

One of my biggest highlights of 2016 was the progress in my rings. I began my very first prototype, and was even able to sell the first few of them!

2017 for me is a new year for growth and new challenges.

Starting a new year, we all set goals we want to achieve this year.  Just like the majority of us, I did too. I can spend tons of time on making more and learn more as I go, but in the end, it is not I who accomplishes them. God is the One who will help me reach my goals. He knows all and what my future holds.


For I know the plans that I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope. – Jeremiah 29:11


Here are just a couple goals that I have made this year relating to my area of expertise.


Goal #1

This coming year, I would like to grow in my understanding of the tools I use. I want to be able to understand more how to use them and be able to utilize them to their full potential. In the making of my products, I use various hands tools. I like to use a metal file for smoothing out some of the rough edges before I use the sandpaper. One key machine I use for the making of rings is a lathe. Grinders help tremendously with the big rough cutting. In the end, I need tons of sandpaper…and patience.


Goal #2

As for my products, I would like to perfect the designs and ideas I have. I would also like to take on some new products and designs. As of right now, they are still in the process of collecting supplies needed to make those products. I hope to have something new up soon.



2 Replies to “How I Will Accomplish Goals in 2017”

  1. I’ve laid out some general and some specific goals for myself this year. So far I’m slowly working my way through meeting them all. It’s not easy, but I know it will be worth it!

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