FGG Designs

How We Use God’s Resources in Our Products

Is God’s Creation a Teacher?

Job 12:7-9 “But now ask the beasts, and they will teach you; And the birds of the air, and they will tell you; Or speak to the earth, and it will teach you; And the fish of the sea will explain to you. Who among all these does not know That the hand of the LORD has done this,”


“Cotton Boll” Button made by Willina

Years ago, when I was taking a class to learn the art of papercutting, the teacher told us to cut a “snowdrop” – a Spring flower. After we’d all cut something that generally resembled a flower, she brought out the real flower. We all understood how much we’d never taken the time to really look and see. Her advice to “observe”, “observe”, “observe” has stood us all in good stead at FGG Designs.

Although we aren’t trying to duplicate God’s creation, we want to learn from it; how He designed solutions; how He created beauty in His designs; how He created basic materials (woods, metals, fibers, etc.) that can be worked to make something useful – and beautiful.

We are learning to work with the amazing grains of woods, or the properties of metals, or the possibilities of fabrics, fibers, and papers, or to zoom in on His creation through the “eye” of a camera.

Since we believe what God says in Job 38:36 that He is the One Who “has put wisdom in the mind” and “Who has given understanding to the heart”, we desire to learn from what He has created, to make products to His glory.


“ . . . Who teaches like Him?” Job 36: 22b



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