FGG Designs

Is the World Continually Getting Better or Worse?

GOD’S CREATION: Gradual? Progressive? or Instantaneous?

THEOLOGY: God-centered or Man-centered?


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. – Genesis 1:1


God’s Creation

Aerial view of Ireland, peeking through clouds.We at FGG Designs like to be innovative. You might call it creative. We have been created in God’s image so that might be acceptable.  But God is really the Creator.  We, at the most, could be called a shadow of His image.  We prefer to give Him the glory for creativity and to enjoy being a reflection of Him as we try to see what can be developed with the things HE created, rather than thinking that WE are doing anything without His guidance.  If you are enjoying anything that we produce, please give God the glory, because all we are doing is using His materials.  And, keep praying for us as we, like you, struggle with keeping this perspective.


Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. – 1 Corinthians 10:31


Yes, struggle we do.  We have a greater tendency to be “me” centered rather than “HIM” centered. We enjoy having people like us and admiring the things we make. Yet, many times a day we need to remind ourselves that our Lord is to be the center and attention-getter in all of our lives. What this boils down to is what is our theology?




"Little Acorn, Might Oak" button made out of ties
“Little Acorn, Might Oak” button made by Willina

Everybody has a theology – by that, I mean that everybody has his/her opinion about God.  Some people believe that God exists – others don’t, with many variations in between. All have a theology – how is yours?  We at FGG Designs are committed to a God-centered theology and ascribe honor to Him in His magnificent six-day creation.  In other words, we believe that the best way to understand God’s thoughts is to accept what He has said in the Bible.


Unfortunately, there are a number of “Christian leaders” who are intimidated by so-called science that propounds evolution as the best way to explain origins.  This is very sad because evolution basically says that everything came from nothing, because if we give it enough time that can happen.  That also is faulty, because the well-accepted law developed and accepted by literally all scientists, is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, or the Law of Entropy. This law essentially says that everything is wearing down and deteriorating, not getting better.  Another way of saying this is, the older we get, the more we are falling apart. The thoughts that things are getting better is basically an illusion, just look around the world and see how many mountains of trash are accumulating.

We do not put a lifetime guaranty on our products (although we do stand behind them if there is any defect or an unusual problem).  But eventually, everything will wear out.  Only God is eternal.



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