FGG Designs

It’s Not About the Gifts

From very early on in life, my parents taught me that Christmas is not about the gifts. As a matter of fact, we didn’t always do gifts for Christmas. Christmas is a time for reflecting on Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection. This ‘sweet, little baby in a manger’ was God incarnate. He, God’s only Son, came to earth as a baby, perfect, without sin to accomplish God’s redemptive plan. He became sin at the cross, overcame death at His resurrection so that it was made possible, for us sinners, to have a relationship with the only true God. What a grace, what a Gift!

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Cor. 5:21)


A Childhood Christmas Memory

As a little girl, I loved to play with dolls and imitate my mom taking care of a baby. For a long time, my biggest wish was a baby doll, but I also knew that my parents couldn’t afford such an expensive toy. One Christmas morning, still kind of sleepy, my parents called me to come to the back of the living room. Past the dining table, close to the window, was something BIG underneath a white sheet. I had no clue what that could be. When I was asked to pull off the sheet, I couldn’t believe my eyes!

There, right in front of me was a white, freshly painted crib, beautifully lined with sheer fabric that had charming red ladybugs all over it. A small mattress, covered with a tiny sheet, a cute little blanket, and a small head pillow, made the crib complete. But there was more. In this crib that my dad so beautifully painted and my mom so skillfully lined with fabric, I found the long-wished baby doll, lovingly tucked in, just like my mom would do when she’d put my baby brother to bed. I really can’t remember the look I had on my face, but I am sure I was smiling from ear to ear. Only God, in His sovereign grace, could make this gift possible. He is the ultimate Provider of all things, even the things that seem unimportant, like a baby doll for a little girl.


A Handcrafted Christmas


Dryer Balls Christmas Gifts

Over the last couple of years, our family has been focused on giving handcrafted gifts. I get so excited when we find items we can make for the family. We try to find practical and useful gifts that are in their interest, color, and style. It is not always easy, and it can be quite challenging, especially for the men. During the process of making those gifts, it gives us time to think about the person and to pray for them. It’s a joy and blessing to give gifts that are lovingly and thoughtfully labored over to make it special and more meaningful.


A Blessed Christmas!

May the Giver of life, the ultimate Provider, and the King of kings be the true reason for your Christmas celebration.



For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)



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