FGG Designs

Little Milestones that Lead to An Amazing Milestone

wondrous clouds in the evening sky
2013 © LFG Photography

Where It All Began

It all starts back in June of 1991 when I was born. For the first seven years of my life, I lived in Wekerom, The Netherlands. I don’t remember much from back then, but I do remember the house and what it looked like inside and out. Fun Fact: I could probably draw the rough floor plan.

The next five years we lived in Renkum, The Netherlands; where a whole new journey in my life started. I had to attend a different school and make new friends. During this time though, I had a very challenging time in school. I had a harder time than the other kids retaining the information that was taught. So, I was picked on and treated differently. Eventually, the teachers said that I needed to go to a school for mentally ill kids; they didn’t think I could progress. (By God’s grace, they were wrong.)

Where It Was Heading To

As I have given a rough idea what those 11-12 years looked like, let’s move up to my 12th year of life. We took a trip to the United States to visit family, but primarily for me to be able to attend a clinic that helped stimulate my brain to memorize patterns; which, on a day to day basis, improved my ability to remember the things I was taught in school as well throughout life. During this time, we attended a school and that experience I will remember the rest of my life. The love and the care expressed by these teachers and kids in the class was overwhelmingly amazing. Before our trip was over, I didn’t want to go back home, let alone to school, in Holland. People here cared, and I felt like I fit in. Well, unfortunately, we had to go back at that time.

Sunset between trees with a fence post in foreground
2016 © LFG Photography

Before we had left the United States, both my sister and mom also had mentioned how they didn’t want to return home; which, of course, got my dad thinking. After talking with some family and friends, and with a lot of prayer, my parents decided to start the process to apply for our visas to move to the United States. After a year of preparation, and a lot of blessings through some amazing provisions, the Lord blessed us to be able to move to the USA.

Where It Is Now

So now we are in the United States. The Lord had provided a place for us to stay and provided dad with work, almost immediately. My parents also decided to homeschool both my sister and me. A completely new experience for all of us. Now that I have graduated high school, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. During my final two years of high school, I started working and was able to learn a lot from those experiences. After high school, I went straight into full-time work, and from there I have learned a lot of the things I am able to incorporate into the family business.

This is always the tough one, how can I end a blog??

The end. 🙂

2 Replies to “Little Milestones that Lead to An Amazing Milestone”

  1. Nice blog, Michael. Your transparent love to Almighty GOD is a blessing to witness. Onward Christian soldier, giving glory to GOD!

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