FGG Designs

Milestones That Changed Our Life…for the Better

Stairs up the dam
2013 © LFG Photography

Googling the word milestone will get you a quick definition of the word. Physically it is defined as a marker found along the roadside which gives the distance either from or to a given point. However, it is also often used in a more figurative sense, as conveying an important event in one’s life, in history, even an achievement in a particular field, or perhaps a specific turning point.

Lydia and I would like to reflect upon some of those milestones in our lives briefly. In many ways, just about every milestone, in some way or another, is a turning point. Milestones often affect our lives powerfully. So, let us look at some events in our lives that have had a profound effect on our family.

Our Physical Birth

First of all, each one of us was born. You might not necessarily see that as a milestone as the journey had just started, but for our parents, that was a huge one; for us, that was the beginning. Without that one, we would never reach the next. Our beginnings started in two different continents but under similar circumstances. Both of us were the first in our respective families, and both were born to loving parents looking forward to our coming with great anticipation. What made that so special? Two individuals came together, fulfilling their God given roles as husband and wife, found unity as two living souls, and God blessed them with new life. I say that because there was no chance or happenstance involved in these results; these were God ordained events.

Our Spiritual Birth

There followed many smaller milestones as each of us started to grow and develop. Both of us eventually started to talk and walk and were blessed by the ever-loving presence of our parents. Eventually, we had more milestones such as becoming a brother and sister to more siblings. Wow, talking about turning points, which started to change things. We no longer had sole attention from our parents. Then we started going to school. In this time, there were constant milestones as we developed in so many areas of our lives, but then there came the point in each of our lives where there was an event that was truly life-altering. We both came to realize, independently from each other (because we didn’t know each other. 😉 ), that we were sinful beings, very selfish, demanding our own way, and heading down a path that was leading to destruction. Something our parents knew from the moment we were born. As our parents and other influential people in our lives were faithful in teaching us God’s word and what God tells us about who we are and that we need redemption, by the sovereignty of God, it sank in, and we committed our lives to live for and glorify God. From this point in time, we started to grow in other areas besides the physical and mental areas, now also in the spiritual areas of our lives.

Our Marriage and The Birth of our Children

Summer Grass Sunset
2016 © LFG Photography

In the following years, there were many memorable milestones, but I just want to stop at a few. The first is the Lord called my parents to go as missionaries to the Netherlands. And after many years there, the Lord brought my future wife into my life through a Bible study group that I had been attending for some years. It was there that I realized this was going to be my wife even before I even talked with her. This does sound very weird, and in many ways, it was, but none the less it was clearly God’s providence in our lives. Roughly eight months after that we got married, which was plainly another major turning point in our lives. About a year later, the Lord blessed us with our first child, Michael, and two years later the Lord blessed us with our second child, Elisabeth. Both births were truly amazing when you realize the miracle of life. A human being so small, fully formed and breathing is so amazing when you think how God has made us to be able to produce offspring. Having children in our lives was one of those major milestones that will impact you the rest of your lives. What a blessing to be a part of God’s sovereign plan in bringing up these wonderful gifts from God. Now that process does have challenges, but it is worth every one.

Our Move

Once again, we could talk in detail of the many milestones in our kids’ lives that were impactful. But I want to make a couple of major leaps forward to get to some of the more recent milestones that are in our memory and are continuing to have a great impact on our lives today. During the early part of 2003, the Lord made it clear He wanted us to move to the United States. And so, we packed our bags and a container, and we moved to Long Beach, CA; where my life had started many years before. This was clearly a radical change for all of us as we had to get re-acquainted with a different culture.

Maybe it is time to let my dear wife reflect on some more milestones.

A different culture, a different language, a different home, a different neighborhood, a different car, a different job, a different way of doing certain things. Many different changes all at once. But God was with us in all those changes.

Our Educating our Children

As we started life in California, we were advised by a teacher friend to homeschool our kids for the first year to make the transition into the educational system easier. One year became two years, and two years became three, and by God’s grace, we finished all the way through high school. God granted us the stamina and commitment to make this happen.

Hot pink flower blossoms
2013 © LFG Photography

Our Kids

As mentioned above, we have been blessed with amazing kids. Both have developed into adults who love the Lord and under His direction have found rewarding walks in life. A couple of years ago, in God’s providence and direction, He brought another member into the family. Shaun, our Son-In-Love is totally one of us now and it’s wonderful to have three kids around. Lord willing, one of these days we will gain a Daughter-In-Love, but that is in His hands and timing. These types of milestones bring so much blessing into the family!

Our Spiritual Family

Although we were never home sick, having to leave family, friends, and a church fellowship is not easy. But in God’s providence and grace, He provided that here as well. A church fellowship where God’s truth is proclaimed, we are encouraged to live holy lives glorifying our Creator, live out the Gospel, being transformed by the Word, and have wonderful, blessed fellowship with the saints is one of those amazing milestones in our lives. What a joy and blessing it is to have found a group of like-minded believers who, no matter what, desire to follow Christ. All praise be to God!

Our Family Business

One of latest Milestones on our journey, which you readers are obviously a part of, is the development of a family business…FGG Designs. There have been many different ideas that have been pursued by different members of the family, but FGG Designs has come together because everyone’s God-given talents and gifts are being optimized to bring God as much glory as we can in our everyday lives.

The month of September marks several milestones. One of them is our 27th wedding anniversary. Without God’s help, we could not have made it this far. It is not because of what we have done and accomplished, but it is because of God’s grace and the transforming work of the Gospel that He has sustained our marriage. All honor and glory to our Savior, Jesus Christ!

The one thread that has been consistent as we have passed by these milestones is that God is sovereign and that He is in control of all of life.

“The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, And His sovereignty rules over all.” – Psalm 103:19

Whether you believe and accept this or not, sooner or later it will become apparent to everyone. That is why we have chosen to call our family business For God’s Glory Designs.

Our Future

Sun rays beaming through the clouds.
2016 © LFG Photography

Well, we come to the end of the journey so far. We have just touched the surface of reflecting on those many milestones along the way. There are still milestones to come, what they will be, only the Lord knows. There is one though that we already know of and that is the Return of Jesus Christ to this earth to rule as King. Scripture says no one knows the time.

“You too, be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour that you do not expect.” – Luke 12:40

But it also says don’t let it take us by surprise. Are you ready to face the King of all kings when He returns? Have you joined the ranks of those who have committed themselves to bring God glory in every detail of their lives as they serve their King?

“But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;” – Matt. 25:31-32

If not, maybe it is time to think seriously about the most important milestone in anyone’s life before it is too late. The milestone of becoming a child of God. Because if not, when the King returns it will be the biggest turning point in your life!

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