FGG Designs

One Saturday Morning in the Life of Olive, the Dog

Olive, the dogThe Day Started Great…

It is early Saturday morning. The sun is already up, but everything is very quiet. The neighbors are still asleep, no cars have left the street, and barely any of my dog friends have been on their morning walk. I love this time of the week because DAD is HOME! Spending time with him is THE BEST!

For some reason, this Saturday morning is different than any other Saturday I can remember. Something is fishy, or maybe “smells” fishy? There is this distinguished, unusual scent in the air, but I can’t quite place it. What is it? Where is it coming from? I’ve got to go out and find it! I‘ve got to go out NOW! This can’t wait any longer! I‘ve got to find what is polluting the, once so fresh, Saturday morning air!


But Then…

(WOOFWOOOHOOF) LET ME OUT…LET ME OUT!!! At lastmom got it! Something is up! FINALLY! I am out! I am going around the perimeter of the house sniffing like a dog…oh waitI AM a dog! I sniffed everything I could think of! Along the garage door, (sniff sniff) the kitchen door, the cat food (SNIFF! That smells really, really good!) along the gate (sniff, sniff, sniff) … under the plants (Ugg all those spider webs on my nose) and again… I’m now on my second round. I smell it but where is it coming from? I have the hardest time finding it, but I followed all the tracks that it had left!! It must end somewhere, right? Sniff, sniff, sniff AROOOFF!!!!! I FOUND IT!! I FOUND IT!!! I’VE GOT TO TELL DAD!  I’VE GOT TO LET HIM KNOW AND SHOW HIM WHAT I FOUND AND WHAT’S STINKING UP THE PLACE!!! AROOFFF! AROOFF!!!!!!

I am totally out of breath and panting like crazy but I am so excited that I found the creature! WROOFF…DAD! COME SEE! COME SEE! Finally, dad came out and found what I tracked down. BUT… it was trying to get away from me! After ALL THAT WORK on my FREE Saturday morning?!! That is NOT going to happen! So, I ran to the other side and started barking loudly, chasing it the opposite direction, towards Dad. And there, there it was! FINALLY!! And yes, Dad saw it too!

Olive found a Raccoon!
Olive found a Raccoon!

Happy Day!

That’s how my Saturday morning started. Full of excitement! And now I am a very happy dog since Dad told me that I am a great hunter and a “good girl” for finding that raccoon.



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