FGG Designs

Road Trips Are the Best!

Going for a Car Ride
Going for a Car Ride

Don’t you love going on road trips? Well I do! I think road trips are the best! It doesn’t make any difference to me whether the trips are long or short, I like them all.


A Long Road Trip

At least once a year we go on a very long road trip. The family packs half of what they own (or so it seems like) and drive about six long hours. We leave veeeery early in the morning when it is still dark and all my dog friends and their owners are still sleeping. I am not allowed to get too excited though, because I might wake up one of the neighborhood dogs and that would NOT be a good thing.

There is always a very nice soft comfy bed made in the back of the car just for me, but, to be honest, I would much rather sit on a person’s seat. That way I see where we are going and can stick my head out of the window, get some fresh air, and have the wind go through my beautiful black, shiny hair. Aahh, I love that feeling! Unfortunately, I cannot do that when we are driving on the freeway. The window must stay up because if I were to stick my head out, the force of the wind makes my lips flap and it might even blow out my teeth or something. Better safe than sorry!


Car Happy
Car Happy


A Short Road Trip

As I said, I love any road trip, even the short ones. Not so long ago I went on a very short one. I mean, a really, reeaaaally short one. I was even allowed to sit in a regular seat…can you believe that?!?! I was so excited! I waited patiently at the front door until someone called me to come and get in the car. I jumped in and seated myself on one of the second-row seats. The door got closed, the car got started and put into gear and we drove ALL the way from the middle of the driveway to the front! That was SO COOL!!!

Well, that’s it for now. I must go now and start preparing for the next road trip!



One Reply to “Road Trips Are the Best!”

  1. ? I love Olive’s stories! She always has a fun and sunny outlook on life. Keep them coming! ?

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