FGG Designs

A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
Getting Started in Crochet, Part 3 - Episode 016

The last two weeks we have been looking at the history of crochet; the overall history and Lydia’s personal history. Now it’s time to switch gears and look at some more practical information (not that the history wasn’t practical). This episode is going to be focused on our thoughts revolving around all things crochet and we will be discussing things such as the usefulness of crochet, the benefits of it, and how it differs from other crafts like sewing or knitting.


A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
Getting Started in Crochet, Part 2 - Episode 015

Last week was the first episode in our new “getting started in crochet” series, where we looked at the general history of crochet. This week we are taking things a step further by looking at Lydia’s personal history with crochet, where it all began for her.


A Look Into FGG Designs
A Look Into FGG Designs
Getting Started in Crochet, Part 1- Episode 014

This week, we’re diving straight into this new series, “Getting Started in Crochet.” For the next few weeks, Lydia will be talking us through everything you need to know (and more) about crochet, from where it originated, to steps into starting crochet for yourself. So, lets get started with this slightly shorter introductory episode.

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