FGG Designs

The Daughter: The ‘Graphs’ of My Life


Elisabeth, The Daughter
Elisabeth, The Daughter

My name is Elisabeth, the daughter, let me tell you a bit about myself.

I was born and raised in the Netherlands till I was 10 years of age, we then moved to the United States. Though I have many fond memories of our time in Holland, the USA is my home. The Lord blessed my family with the opportunity to homeschool my brother and me. Our learning experiences would have been drastically different if we ended up going to a public or private school.

Homeschooling not only allowed us to learn at our own pace, but also to grow closer as a family. As my mom has mentioned, she loves making things in all forms: cooking, crafts, household projects, etc. and she used her skills in those areas to make learning fun and teach us what she knows. Personally, I’m very thankful for her teaching in home-economics. I may not necessarily like to do all the cooking and cleaning, but now as a married woman, it is my responsibility to take care of my home and family and that includes the cooking and cleaning.

As already alluded to, we are a Christian family who desire to glorify the Lord in all we do. This business, after all, is all “for God’s glory!”. I made a personal profession of faith at a young age, but in my late teens is when I really understood what it means to obey Him. The Lord had put me into situations that strengthened my trust in Him. My desire to know Him more and to study His word was stronger than before. I praise God that it continues to grow and for His amazing grace that saved me.



Photography runs in my family, from my great-grandparents now to me. As a little child, I always enjoyed taking pictures and documenting special times. It wasn’t something I considered pursuing until I was in high school. During my last two years, I started taking photography classes and sought the knowledge of my photographer friends. Soon, I purchased my first camera and pursued photography more seriously. A friend taught me how to use a DSLR, and that lead to opportunities working with other photographers. It took off from there.



For a long time, I have had a fascination with calligraphy and the art of writing. I love handwriting and designing text. The beloved website Pinterest has been a helpful tool for inspiration and motivation.


Woodburned Bookmarks
Woodburned Bookmarks


In 2013 I went to London on a church mission trip to help communicate the Gospel to people in the heart of London. We were under the leadership of GraceLife London, a church in Islington. While there I met a very handsome, young, and godly man. Little did I know that 10 days in London would spark a friendship with him (whom I now call my husband!). We married in March of 2015 and moved to London to start our life together. I couldn’t be more grateful for my loving husband who is so patient and caring towards me. The Lord has truly blessed me with this man.

As you have previously read, Shaun’s new love for woodworking brought on a new hobby for me: pyrography. Spurred on by my love of typography, I burn designs and quotes into wood and cork.



Pray with Us

We all have desires and dreams that we long to fulfill, including me. My prayer (together with my husband) is that our desires would be the Lord’s desires. Currently, moving back to the U.S. is our biggest desire, but we know whatever happens is in God’s hands. It doesn’t matter where we are, we will continuously thank and praise God for where He has us.

Pray with us as we take steps to make our way to the U.S. May the Lord’s will be done and may we be content with the outcome.



One Reply to “The Daughter: The ‘Graphs’ of My Life”

  1. Love your bookmarks. The Lord has definitely blessed you with talent and it is fun to see and watch that grow. Blessings to you both, Suzanne

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