FGG Designs

The Most Important Truth You Should Know About…

In the Beginning God…

That’s it! That’s the most important truth you need to know. God has always existed. From the beginning till the end He was, and is, and will be. He is eternal.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” (Revelation 22:13)


In the Beginning God created…

Blue cloudy skies, green hilly fields.God created everything for His glory and our enjoyment. When we look at how unbelievably detailed His creation is we must wonder and stand in awe of His divine handiwork. Look at the flowers and the trees, the animals, all so unique. Have you ever cut an orange or a kiwi in half and put it under a magnifying glass? Look at the detail, the fibers, the seeds. It’s amazing! Only our great God could have come up with such variety and intricate designs.


God Created Animals…

As a business, we have chosen to glorify God in utilizing the things He has made. He gifted us with different talents so that we can use His resources for our business. One of the things I love to work with is wool. God created certain animals so we could enjoy the wonderful benefits of different kinds of wool.


Orange, Blue, and Grey Dryer Balls
A selection of Dryer Balls.

Goats and Alpacas produce mohair. Sheep grow a wool coat and about once a year this wool coat is shaved off. This wool, also called fleece, must be cleaned and put through multiple processes before it can be spun into the yarn we use. After it ends up as yarn, it could go through another process, felting. The most common and known way is wet felting. Remember that time you washed a wool sweater too hot and it came out of the washer the size of a baby sweater?  That’s called wet felting. When washing wool in hot, soapy water the agitation of the washing will intertwine and shrink the natural fibers of the wool together. It will end up in a tightly woven cloth.


The dryer balls we make and sell go through the same process. Once done, the balls can be put in the dryer together with the wet laundry. They cut the drying time by pulling the moisture out of your clothes, reducing static, and softening clothes the natural way.



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