FGG Designs

What is “Inspiration”?

Dictionary Term

inspirationThe earliest use of the word inspiration in the English language dates back to the 14th century and it had a distinct theological meaning, referring to “a divine influence upon a person, from a divine entity.” Since the 16th century, the word inspiration has also been used in the sense of “drawing the air into the lung”. Only recently, since the 19th century, have we started using the word in the sense of “someone or something that inspires”. (Definition’s from Webster’s online dictionary.)

For me, being a student of the Bible, I have often taken it first and foremost to mean that God is the one that inspires, and as such the one thing that I truly know is inspired by God is the Bible, for it is God breathed. But looking at it more in the sense as what inspires me? There is no question that I am driven by my relationship with God to do things that bring Him glory. That would be the bottom line of my inspiration.



…in my work

Looking at it from a more human perspective or in the way that the word inspiration is more generally used, the things that motivate me are; First, ideas or products that I run across often while doing research online that I see as useful both to others as well as myself. Second, I have a desire to improve those things I encounter. I always ask “how could I make it better?” I start to think about the uses and how it might work better for me if it were a little different. Obviously there are a lot of people who have gone before me. And I love what people come up with, but I believe there is just about always room for improvement.

true inspiration
My ultimate inspiration comes from God.

With many things, it also comes down to personal preference or a specific use that someone else might not have thought of. I love the process of development, improvement, and perfecting (at least to the extent that that is actually possible.) Sometimes it’s also a matter of feel. How something feels in use. Does it feel right? Work right? Does it need to change form or have additional features added to be useful. I am also a person to try to make things as universal (maybe modular), versatile, and useful as possible. So those traits are what challenge me to continue to change and modify until I get it just right… at least for me. I’m sure the next person will come along and say: “maybe it would be better if it were so…” and I’m fine with that. Maybe that will encourage me to develop it further.


…in my knives

Knives are personal, and even though I know there are many collectors out there, for me the most important factor is practical usefulness. If it looks good and has beauty that, to me, is secondary. Not to say I don’t want my knives to look good, I do! But, it needs to be able to accomplish its purpose with smooth efficiency. Everything else is “icing on the cake.” And one does need the icing on the cake to really enjoy it!



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