FGG Designs

What Is Thanksgiving to You?

What is Thanksgiving to You?
Photo by LFG Photography

The dictionary states it as follows: “the expression of gratitude, especially to God.

Do you thank God for your life? For your Family? For your Job? Your Car? Food on the table? A roof you can sleep under? He is the one who has granted you a life to live. You could say, “well, I accomplished this (insert accomplishment) in my life.” But the truth is, I have accomplished this because of Christ; without Him we are nothing.

Coming back to Thanksgiving, I will share just a few areas in my life I’m thankful to God for. I challenge you to think through your own life and maybe even write down what you’re thankful for. If you’re reading this, and you do not have a relationship with Christ, it is never too late to accept Him into your heart and start a new life in Him.



The dictionary states thanksgiving as follows: "the expression of gratitude, especially to God."
Photo by LFG Photography

I’m thankful that God has given me the family I have. They are such an encouragement through life.

My family is bigger though; it’s not just my parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts, no, I have tons of Brothers and Sisters in Christ that are my family. And I’m blessed with, and thankful for, every last one of them. I’m thankful for my amazingly loving and caring pastor who shares God’s truth with us on a weekly basis. Not just on Sundays, no, multiple times during the week. It might not be in direct communication, but it often is through either a recorded message or a personal email or text; that just challenges you.



I’m thankful for this family business we are trying to develop. I’m also thankful for my day job. This past year, the Lord allowed for me to get my dream job – working as a mechanic at a dealership. This is an opportunity where I can grow and learn everything and anything about cars, and it’s given a financial stability while we work on growing this business.

I could keep a list going, but let me leave you with this: why do you celebrate Thanksgiving? What are you thankful to God for? Maybe this coming Thanksgiving, while you have your family over, share with them what you’re thankful for.

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