FGG Designs

What Makes Family Time So Special and Fun?

Los Angeles National Forest
2013 © LFG Photography

Family fun. Where to start is the question. Over my 26 years of life there have been plenty of opportunities where my family and I have had fun. Now to remember a few highlights.

Back when we lived in Holland, there were two things that stood out to me and I enjoyed the most:

Rummage Sales

Every year, for the Queen’s birthday, the country celebrated in lots of different ways. One way was by having, and participating, in rummage sales. Throughout the city and neighborhoods you would find blankets spread on the ground filled with bits and bobs that people were selling. I loved visiting a variety of towns and looking for things to add to my collections, i.e. Legos, cars/trucks, K’Nex, and Flippos (of which I still have all today!).


Christmas Market

Nothing beats the Christmas markets in Germany. Since we lived so close to Germany while in Holland, these were frequent visits. The smells, the sights, the sounds, it doesn’t matter what I say, I can’t do it justice. All I can say is, go see it for yourself!

I’ll surely remember these for a long time, but unfortunately, these aren’t easily visited on this side of the pond.


What makes times so special and fun?

Running Creek
2013 © LFG Photography

It is different for everyone, but it can’t be “family fun” unless you incorporate your family. Whether it is your direct family or your family in Christ; it doesn’t matter how old you are, spending time with your parents or brothers and sisters, even grandparents, can be the most encouraging and fun times.

My grandparents always made family outings fun, either going along with us or giving us a bag of items we could enjoy on the way; and no, not necessarily treats, but more like games and things we could do. One that I still remember is the license plate game, where we had to find the letters of the alphabet (in order) on the license plates of the cars we would see drive by.


Open House

Annually, around Christmas time, my grandparents hosted an Open House. Each year brought a different theme. Two weeks before the event, the decorations began and the week before, the kitchen was filled with wonderful aromas of baking cookies and special treats. Lots of family and friends would come from all over Holland, Belgium, and Germany and since we lived next door to Grandpa and Grandma, we got to help with all the preparations. My favorite part of all of this (besides the people)? Why, the food of course!!

These were some of my best memories and I would like to encourage you to take the time to plan some fun things to do with your family. Something as simple as taking the family to some garage sales on a Saturday morning; or putting together some games for your next road trip; or maybe inviting some people over to join your family for an open house. It doesn’t have to be grand, just as long as the family is involved for some fun.

P.S. Need some tips for an Open House? Leave a comment!

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