FGG Designs

Where We Look for Strength as We Begin 2017

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

Goodbye 2016

As we look back at 2016, our hearts are filled with thankfulness to our Lord and Savior. He is the One who, through His Word, made us grow closer to Him. He sustained us, provided for all our needs and more, helped us get the business started, and to top it off, blessed us with a (surprise) visit from Shaun and Elisabeth. It was a year filled with lots of brainstorming, growing, and undeserved blessings. To God be all the glory!


Hello 2017

Looking forward to 2017, we, of course, cannot foresee what is going to happen. God is in control of our future, but we do certainly have desires and goals for this coming year.

We are at the beginning of a new year. It is a time where about 50% of people, here in the United States, think about how they can make the new year better for themselves. They make resolutions that, in the end, the majority of them can not keep. These numbers show us that, as human beings, it is difficult – if not impossible – to bring about change in our own strength.

I have been one of those who, in the past, has made resolutions that have not come to fruition. However, I have also been among those who have seen goals accomplished in my life. As I have seen these goals reached, I realized that those have not been reached because of my abilities, strengths or talents. Yes, one can be very disciplined and driven to accomplish a goal, but that is temporary in nature. Long-term change takes place only as we seek strength from God.

[Tweet “Long-term change takes place only as we seek strength from God.”]


Our Goal for 2017

As a developing business, laying its foundations, we have seen how our efforts can be very feeble and weak. We recognize, even though we might be driven to pursue it, the only way this business will ever amount to anything of value, and most importantly bring glory to God, is if we constantly keep our focus on Him. That is our main goal for this new year.

This perspective flows out of a new beginning that took place a long time ago for Lydia and I. We both came to the realization that we are sinful fallen people who need a Savior, and God gave us that Savior, Jesus Christ. We chose a long time ago to give our lives to the Lord through a life of continual repentance and faith in Christ. Of course, this was and is only possible because He reached out to us first and convicted us of who we are: sinners.

“No one can come to Me unless the Father Who sent Me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.” – John 6:44



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