FGG Designs

“Yes, I’m Still Here!” – Olive

Hello there! It has been a while!  Yes, I have been pretty busy guarding our new home.  It’s a full-time job you know. When people go on to our property I make sure they know that I am the one who is in charge here. The big black dog!  I just pretend that I am going after them by (almost) barking my head off. And am I LOUD or what??!!! When we get a visit from friends, which is on a regular basis, I get put back in my room. Can you believe that?! I whine, and whine, and whine some more and after a while, which seems to be a looong time, I finally am allowed to get out again. That is AFTER the friends are seated and settled. THEN…I go at it and bark some more, just to make sure. 

All Alone

Thorne Creek Wildfire, August 2021

This summer was a very stressful one for me. I felt so unsettled. Six of the family members left me for Seattle. I felt soooo lonely, my tummy gave me such a weird feeling. A couple of days after most of my favorite people had left, we had to “evaporate” (or something like that)  because of the wildfires close by. Michael took me to his dog Lola. I LOVE Michael, but Lola??!! I don’t know about her. She is sweet for sure, but oh she is SUCH a puppy!!! She wanted me to play with her and dig holes ALL DAY!!! She didn’t understand that I am not like her. I like peace and quiet and want to sleep between my two feeds. That week was the hardest of all. I was exhausted and homesick. 

Finally, Michael could take me back home. Grandpa and Grandma took care of me the rest of the summer. They even fed me a boiled egg AND… I made it on their bed! So comfy! They put a blankie at the end of the bed just for me. I felt so special.

Together Again

When mid-September hit, I had a sense that something was about to change. Yes, Fall was in the air, but there was more. Grandpa and Grandma were getting excited about something. They were shopping for more groceries than the two of them could handle. I could sense they were anticipating a change…a BIG change…

On the evening of September 17, around 7:30, Grandpa and Grandma were sitting outside enjoying the early evening setting, when all of a sudden two cars drove up the property. Of course, I did my usual thing and started barking like crazy…but then….ooohhh…I couldn’t believe what I saw!!! My favorite six people were back!!! I cried, they cried, we ALL cried happy tears. At last, we were all back together safe and sound. I tell you, there is no better place than being home with my favorite people.

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